
Dissertation in Progress 

I look forward to the day when I have something put in this section.

Graduate Seminar Papers

None of these papers is particularly good. Some of them are very bad. If you choose to read them, you may well do so as a critic, and that's fine. But you do me the greatest service not by showing me what is wrong with the papers (I know that there is plenty wrong with them) but by helping me to see the long winding path by which one of these papers is transformed into something good.  Something within shouting distance of publishable.  But please do not think that by posting these on my website I am endorsing them as the work that I want to be known for.

Please do not cite or quote without permission.  You are unlikely to get permission.

I have divided the papers into "Proximate" and "Distal".  This separation does not track quality of work.  At least two of my three best papers to date are in the "Distal" category.  Rather, they track the relevance of the paper's subject matter to my current research projects.  While I wouldn't mind talking to you about Marx or Divine Command Theory, I won't be writing about either one any time soon and your engaging with me on those papers is unlikely to result in anything but intellectual satisfaction.

" Propositions: On their Modal and Temporal Properties" (2010)
"Relative Truth and First-Personal Realism" (2010)
"Tense, Passage and Change--Sans Rate"  (2010)

"The Kantian Will" (2010)
"Justification and Seeming States" (2009) [Coming Soon]
"Reasons and Reason" (2009)
"The Role of Efficient Causation in Leibnizian Metaphysics" (2009)
"Two Dimensions of Moral Responsibility"  (2009)
"Kantian Conceptualism and Apperception" (2009)
"Divinity and Delivery: What Isn't Wrong with Divine Command Theory" (2009)
"It Had To Happen: Reply to Nichols and Knobe" (2008)
"On Impossible Imaginings" (2008)
"Duration and Science" (2008)
"Emotional Logic and Emotional Content" (2007)